Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Survival Guide for High School Life

Ready or not here it comes. Growing up is a part of life. You can't stop it from happening, everyone goes through it. Change is going to happen whether you like it or not. A major change would be your life style of the school you go to. Once you get accelerated to high school there would be a major difference then your Jr. high experience. What can i start with? Teachers, lessons, people, food, and many many more. From my experience how I'm surviving high school right now would be shared with you.

The first day of school, gosh it was so scary for me. I felt like i was diving into a pool with sharks ready to eat me alive. I walked around feeling lonely till i saw my friends. I felt so relieved. It felt like angels were saving me. So here's a tip it's really important to have your friends with you going through your high school life. You would need them, Trust me. They would be there for you through everything, and anything. You would need them socially, physically, and especially emotionally. You wouldn't feel insecure or uncomfortable around new people if your friends are with you. You will have a great experience in your high school years with your friends.

The major difference in high school that students are dealing with is change, not by school, but by their friends. Their friends tend to change because of the new people they hang out with, but a true friend will stick with you thick or thin until the end. You will find new friends yourself, but always stick with the people who has been there for you. Make new friends, but always keep your old friends. I've been with my friends since elementary and we have different friends, but we still have that love we have for each other.

High School has their fun times and their stressful times. School activities are something you should look forward too. Such as pep rallies, Sport activities, spirit week, election day, award ceremonies, and many more. They are memorable in your high school life with your friends, teachers, and everyone else. The stressful times are the exams, testings, and many more things, but it will be all worth it in the end. People tend to just don't give a crap about exams and think that you'll get what you want just by having fun, but they should stop dreaming and live in reality. You have to work your butt off to get what you want. It's not all fun and games in this world. Everything you work for will be all worth it. So i suggest you don't slack off, unless you want to repeat a grade all over again, and not be able to graduate with your friends.

Teachers are a major part of your lives. They are the people who help you achieve to your goals in the future. If they are an ass, or a person you can't deal with, you just got to deal with it. Give up or just get over with the fact you can't chose the people who comes in your lives. They would just be one of the people who helped you through your life. So teachers would push you to the ultimate power just for you to achieve what you dream of. So they are not doing it for them to make you suffer, but for you to learn and to have a life you want. Teachers in high school would be more strict. They know how to have fun, but when it's time for learning they get straight to the point. They don't give you second chances. They want you to be challenged, to over exceed their reputation to make yours better. If you want something so bad you just have to deal with everything that comes your way to get what you want.

Surviving in Jr. High has a major difference with the survival of High School. There are people that are 3 or more years older than you, and they would pick on you because you are new. It's a tradition. So don't worry you just have to wait to pick on the new people when your a sophomore. People go through phases in their lives, so there will be clicks. Such as the jocks, the girly girls, the emo punk kids, the just totally weird people, the band people, and many more. You'd be scared of where you fit in, but trust me that doesn't matter. Believe me that you would have a friend from each cliques.
All i can say now is to have a great time in high school. Make it memorable, and it's a time for you to speak up. Be yourself, and always be you. Never try to be someone else to fit in because there is someone who will accept you for who you are!


Saipan Writer said...

Hi, jovie jenn. I'm here at your teacher's invitation.

Your blog is gorgeous.

How come you're not joining "thespians," a/k/a drama? SSHS has a good team, under Mr. Golden's directorship.

Be nice to the freshmen next year. (Maybe Anna Rose will be there.)

And just fyi, it's "clique" not "click." Same pronunciation, but different meaning, different spelling. :-)


El said...

your post on this is really interesting.


Your post is really interesting and it is really good. you may have some grammar here and there but it was good.